Intermediate+ Word of the Day: bust A bust can be an economic depression or a police raid. It is also a verb meaning… Continue Reading August 11, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: patch Patch is something you might wear on your eye or sew onto your jeans… Continue Reading August 10, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: grind Grind is something you can do to coffee beans, spices, or the blades of knives and also… Continue Reading August 9, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: rule Rule is something a king or queen does, or something you can do to a piece of paper… Continue Reading August 8, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: spike Spike is something you can do to someone’s drink or something a newspaper editor might do with… Continue Reading August 5, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: lean Lean can mean ‘to stand something at an angle’ or ‘to rest on something for support.’ Also, it means… Continue Reading August 4, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: spot A spot can be a mark or stain, but which also means ‘to detect by… Continue Reading August 3, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: chop Chop can be a piece of meat or something you do to a vegetable… Continue Reading August 2, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: binge A binge is a period of eating or drinking too much or a period of other excessive indulgence in… Continue Reading August 1, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: utter Utter can mean ‘to speak,’ but also ‘complete’ or… Continue Reading July 29, 2022