A leak is a hole through which liquid, gas, or light enters or escapes and, figuratively, it is the release of secret information by an unknown source. To leak means ‘to let liquid, gas or light enter or escape through a hole’ and also ‘to let secret information become known’…
A poll is a sampling of opinions on a subject taken from a group of people and analysed. A poll is also the act of voting in an election and the number of votes cast or the numerical result of the voting. Polls, usually in the plural, are the places where the voting takes place. As a verb, to poll is to ask questions about a subject, as well as to receive votes at the polls…
Dear Word of the Day subscribers, In an effort to improve Word of the Day so we will be able to continue funding it for years to come, we are moving to the platform that WordReference knows best: a website. Our new home is daily.wordreference.com. During the transition, your daily email will probably be a … Read more
WordReference.com Online Language Dictionaries Word of the Day March 2, 2016 sort (noun, verb) LISTEN You can sort recyclables according to their material. As a noun, sort means 'kind' and refers to a particular group or type, and when talking about people, especially in British English, it means … Read more
Word of the Day December 18, 2015 Word of the Day Suspended for the Holidays As the end of the year approaches, we wanted to thank you for reading Word of the Day! We are excited about this new project and are very grateful for your support. We hope you will enjoy the holidays with … Read more