Intermediate+ Word of the Day: mighty

If something is mighty it means that it has or shows superior power or strength. It can also means that it’s very big in size or amount or that it’s exceptional in some kind of way. As an adverb, informally, mighty is a synonym for…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: steal

You probably know that steal means ‘to take something that belongs to someone else without their permission.’ It also means ‘to move or go quietly’ or ‘to happen gradually, without really being noticed.’ In baseball, it means…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: ham

You might know already that ham is ‘a cut of meat that comes from the hind quarter of a hog’ (a pig raised for eating). It is also used for human anatomy, often in the plural form hams, and it means…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: nap

To nap means ‘to sleep for a short period of time,’ especially during the daytime. Figuratively, it means ‘to be off your guard.’ As a noun, a nap is a short period of sleep. Unrelatedly, a nap is the raised fuzzy end of fibers on the surface of cloth and the verb to nap means ‘to raise the nap.’ Nap is also used as a shortened version of…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: hint

A hint is ‘a clue or an indirect or helpful suggestion.’ It is also ‘a very small amount of something’ or ‘an indication of something.’ As a verb, it means ‘to give a hint of something,’ ‘to imply,’ or ‘to suggest indirectly.’

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