Intermediate+ Word of the Day: plea

A plea is a request or an appeal, something that is said as a justification, or an excuse or pretext. In legal terms, a plea is a defendant’s formal answer to a legal charge, that is, guilty or not guilty…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: hollow

If something is hollow, it means that it’s empty or that it has a cavity inside. If a surface is hollow, it has a curve inward or downward or it is somehow sunken. Sounds can also be hollow, meaning that they are not resonant. Figuratively, hollow means…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: scarf

You might know already that a scarf is a a long strip of fabric or a square one, usually made of wool, silk, or lace,that is worn around the neck, shoulders, or head to protect oneself from the cold or simply as an ornament. Although uncommon, as a verb, it means…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: rock

A rock is, of course, a large mass of stone that forms a hill or a cliff or a piece of stone. Colloquially, a gemstone, especially a diamond, is also called a rock. As a verb, unrelatedly, to rock means ‘to move gently from side to side’ and also ‘to shake violently.’ It is also a synonym for shake, in the sense of being moved by great emotion. As a noun, rock is not only a rocking movement but also…

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