Intermediate+ Word of the Day: bank

You probably know that a bank is an institution that receives, lends, and keeps money safe, or a storage facility for a particular thing. But bank has other meanings, both as a noun and as a verb. For example…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: fast

You probably know the meaning of fast as an adjective that describes something or someone that moves, operates, or works quickly. When we’re talking about people, and with a negative connotation, fast can mean…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: kit

As you may know, a kit—sometimes used as a suffix—is a set of tools, supplies, or any material used for a particular purpose and also the container to put all these things in. It is also a set of materials for assembling something. Mainly in UK English, clothing used for a particular purpose is also called kit. As a verb, in US English, to kit means ‘to make available as a kit’ and, in UK English, now usually followed by out, ‘to equip.’ Unrelatedly, a kit is an abbreviated form of kit-fox—a type of small fox…

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