Intermediate+ Word of the Day: hustle A hustle can be energetic activity or a trick to get… Continue Reading July 20, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: bark Today’s word is “bark,” which is something dogs do, but also something you find on trees… Continue Reading July 19, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: peer Peer can be someone who is like you, but is also a way of looking at something… Continue Reading July 18, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: rumble A sound made by thunder or traffic, but also a fight? It’s a rumble… Continue Reading July 15, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: blunt Blunt is an adjective that can describe a knife or a comment… Continue Reading July 14, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: buckle Buckle is something you can find on a belt, but also something a bridge or other structure might do… Continue Reading July 13, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: tease Tease is something you can do to a person, an animal, or your hair… Continue Reading July 12, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: punch Punch is something boxers do, but it’s also a drink… Continue Reading July 11, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: gear Something you find in an engine, but that can also mean your belongings? It’s today’s word, “gear…” Continue Reading July 8, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: brittle Brittle is an adjective that can be used to describe a sheet of ice, fingernails, a person, a tone of voice, and… Continue Reading July 7, 2022