Intermediate+ Word of the Day: flock

A flock is a group of animals or birds that live or travel together and, figuratively, a large group of people or things. In religion, a flock is a church congregation. As a verb, to flock means ‘to gather or go in a group.’ Unrelatedly, flock is also wool or cloth refuse, usually used to stuff mattresses or upholster furniture. The verb means…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: snoop

If you snoop, it means that you go around in a sneaky way trying to get information or see something that would usually be kept private. As a noun, a snoop is the act of snooping. Informally, someone who does this is also called a snoop, or a snooper, and sometimes a private detective can also be called a snoop..

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: snip

To snip means ‘to cut with quick and small strokes,’ as you do with scissors. As a noun, a snip is the act of snipping and also the thing that’s been snipped off. Any small amount of something can also be called a snip. Colloquially, in US English…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: tag

A tag is a piece of paper attached to something or a small loosely attached part of something. It is also a phrase or word used to describe something or someone, a label or identifier. In computing, it is a symbol that indicates…

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