Intermediate+ Word of the Day: can Can is a verb we use a lot, but also a container for food or drink and… Continue Reading June 20, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: wear Wear is something you can do with an item of clothing, your hair, or a facial expression… Continue Reading June 17, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: cater Cater is mainly used to talk about providing food and drink, but we also use it when we talk about providing for… Continue Reading June 16, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: scrub Scrub is an activity linked to housework, but also something you might put on your face… Continue Reading June 15, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: flake A piece of snow, an unreliable person, and a chocolate bar? All of that is flake! Continue Reading June 14, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: bother Bother can mean ‘to disturb’ or ‘to worry.’ But do you know what it means if someone says they “can’t be bothered”? Continue Reading June 13, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: tick Tick is something a clock does, something you do to mark items on a list, and a creepy… Continue Reading June 10, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: hail Hail is something that falls from the sky but did you know it is also a…? Continue Reading June 9, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: chap What do cowboys wear that is also a crack in the skin or a man? It’s today’s word! Continue Reading June 8, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: snatch You probably heard about the movie but did you know snatch can be a sudden grabbing movement or a…? Continue Reading June 7, 2022