Intermediate+ Word of the Day: fudge Fudge is a type of candy, but also a more polite stand-in for a well-known swearword… Continue Reading May 19, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: swipe Swipe is something you can do with a card or something you do on a… Continue Reading May 18, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: grate Grate is something you might do to cheese, but also something that someone irritating might do… Continue Reading May 17, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: foil You can wrap your sandwiches in foil, but it can also be someone who is part of a comedy double act… Continue Reading May 16, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: slum A slum is an area of a city where people live in extremely poor conditions or, figuratively, a… Continue Reading May 13, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: bench Bench is somewhere you can sit or somewhere a judge serves… Continue Reading May 12, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: curse Curse is something you might do if you’re annoyed or something a witch might put on you if… Continue Reading May 11, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: nag “Nag” is our word today. It can mean ‘to criticize’ or ‘to be the cause of pain.’ We’ll tell you about those meanings and more and share a song with you. Continue Reading May 10, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: blend Blend ‘to mix smoothly together’ or ‘to have no perceptible…’ Continue Reading May 9, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: rocket A rocket is something that goes into space, but also something you can put in a salad… Continue Reading May 6, 2022