Intermediate+ Word of the Day: litter Litter is garbage thrown on the streets or a group of… Continue Reading February 25, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: rough Rough is an adjective you can use to describe an uneven surface or something… Continue Reading February 24, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: whisk Whisk is something you might use in the kitchen, but it can also be a… Continue Reading February 23, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: tap Tap is something you could get water out of or something you might do with your fingers if you are bored or… Continue Reading February 22, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: drag Drag means ‘to pull something with difficulty or effort” and your probably heard the expressions “drag your feet” and “drag queen”… Continue Reading February 21, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: funny Funny is an adjective with more than just the obvious meaning… Continue Reading February 18, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: spark Spark is something a fire will produce, but also an attraction between… Continue Reading February 17, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: nick A nick is a small cut or mark, but as a verb, it can also mean ‘arrest’ or… Continue Reading February 16, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: brush Brush is something you might use to style your hair or to… Continue Reading February 15, 2022
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: chill Chill can mean ‘to make something cold’ or ‘to… Continue Reading February 11, 2022